Preparing for the Chapter's Return

Unless otherwise directed by the donor, all donations are placed in our Recolonization Fund savings account. This fund will be used for expected “big-ticket” expenses required to ready the Chapter House for the return of the Delta Delta collegiate chapter.  Such expenses include: 

  • Replacement of the south portion of the west patio brick wall
  • Purchase and installation of a video security system
  • Replacement of the kitchen refrigerator
  • Purchase of a kitchen freezer
  • Asphalt patching of the parking lot
  • Purchase of entertainment equipment for the basement social rooms
  • Replace floor tile removed for north basement waterproofing
  • Replace worn furnishings; and 
  • Payment of legal costs should the university attempt to purchase our property in accordance with our deed. 

Our chapter house at 340 Burrowes Rd. is clearly the focus of undergraduate life for Delta Delta Chapter. It has been the home away from home for thousands of young men in addition to being a classroom where our brothers learned to be principle-driven men. 

Our future requires your support. Remember the benefits Delta Delta provided you and how it enriched your life. We want to ensure those benefits continue for our future brothers.

Can we count on your support to keep 340 Burrows Rd. the home Delta Delta needs and deserves?

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